Thursday, January 8, 2015

Weekly Weigh In Jan 8

So I did pretty well this week.  Most of the weight loss was probably holiday fluff that came off when I returned to more disciplined eating but it is definitely nice to see.

I did really well at tracking my calories this week but I been having sinus issues and not sleeping well so I haven't been making it to the gym or doing Insanity as planned.  I went on nice dog walks on 5/7 days so at least I was getting some exercise outside of running around at work. Still less than my goal of every day but the reality is that sometimes life happens.

I'm happy with this week's progress and will keep making progress.


Current Weight: 246.4 pounds
Last Week: 249.4 pounds

Weight Loss/Gain: 3.0 pounds lost

Starting Weight: 249.4 pounds
Highest Point: 249.4 pounds
Lowest Point: 246.4 pounds

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Hello 2015!

It's January 1st again and it's always nice to have goals. Looking at previous goal lists, I can see that I've had mixed results in goal setting so some of these goals will be a repeat.

I'm looking to have more personal discipline in 2015:
  • Better Financial Decisions and adherence to the budgeting
  • Better Health and fitness
    • Consistent Calorie Counting
    • Daily exercise (even if it is just walking the dog around the neighborhood)
  • Fifteen minutes of house cleaning daily
  • One hundred words of writing daily
I want to keep working on the life/work balance and doing more of the things I love
  • Weekly Hiking Trips and Monthly camping trips in the late spring/summer/early fall
  • Keep on Playing Board Games regularly
  • Get back into swing dancing at least every other week
  • Working on creative/crafty pursuits